The KyPass OS X app will basically function, will read KeePass 1 and 2 files, but create 2.0 files only (no issues there).
The whole handling of groups, entries and above all “mouse positioning” is buggy, e.g.:
- you cannot right click on a line without first left clicking to select the line;
- there is no option to return to the highest group level;
- cannot change the icon for groups;
Once the data is stored in iCloud, there is no option to extract it and save the whole file to KDBX format on the local disk. The QR scan function looks funny but is quite useless with over 300 passwords stored.
Another round of optimizations and improvements will mature this application, I’m hoping for the next version (KeePassX cannot handle 2.0 files and this seemed a reasonable alternative).
Guzzisto about KyPass, v1.1